The proposed plan is to empower citizens everywhere to vote on the key decisions that may be required as the project develops. The idea is to utilize the aggregate wisdom of the informed people to control the decision, rather than rely on nation states or existing institutions to make the decisions.
The proposed plan is to utilize individuals from every state, nation, language, race, culture and religion on earth, who can reach or be reached by the Internet, and some type of Internet device. The plan considers that today, Internet access is available to only a small percentage of the peoples of the world. The plan also considers that the project has a very long time span, and by the time the most critical decisions need to be made, the plan anticipates that the percentage of people with Internet access will be vastly expanded.
Contributors will accomplish the project. The only qualifications for contributors are that they be informed, knowledgeable, willing and able to contribute, and that become interested enough to commit to help realize the vision, or defeat it.
The present plan is to conduct all of the initial research, planning, managing, developing and everything else that needs to be done, on the Internet. So Internet access at some level will be almost a pre-requisite.
Every informed and knowledgeable citizen will be invited to vote, over the Internet, whenever global issues are up for decision. Eventually, the plan assumes that virtually every citizen, who cares to inform him or herself, and can demonstrate some knowledge of each side of an issue, will be able to vote in a global referendum.