On this page we will collect all of the potential risks and dangers that we can think up.
This is the place to be gloomy and negative.
Even if you support the project totally, you can help by thinking up the worst possible things that could go wrong.
Then, after we've collected all of the possible risks and dangers, we'll ask our scientists and designers to build protections into their plans, so we will avoid all of the dangers that we foresee, and minimize the risks as well. We know that everything we do, crossing a street, or drinking water, has risks. Indeed, there is no such thing as eliminating risks. But, we can ask our scientists and designers to plan from the beginning for absolutely minimal risks.
So, help us by thinking up all the things that could go wrong.
I'll start. In dodging an asteroid, we could lose our moon, if we're not careful to bring it along with us.
If we change our orbit to any degree, we could lose many or most of the satellites that orbit the earth. We would have to plan to coordinate the satellite thruster moves with earth's thrusters.
If we change the tilt to moderate the winters and summers, we possibly could end up with fewer storms and not enough rainfall. We'll have to build in the ability to take out any adjustment that gives us more trouble than benefits.
Now, it's your turn.
Send an e-mail to: riskteam@thrusterproject.org