The Thruster Project


Our mission is to explore, discover, build consensus, and implement ways to protect earth from potential threats.

Our vision:

We envision exploration and discovery of ways to protect earth from threats such as global warming, a new ice age, large rises in ocean water levels, and possible strikes, or near misses by large space objects. We envision that if such means of protection are discovered, and consensus is built, then the means, whether thrusters, or other solutions will be implemented.We envision that once implementation has begun, scientists and visionaries will explore how else the devices might be used to enhance life on earth for humans and other species. We will explore moderating seasons, and creating more land available for settlement and agriculture.

Our vision is to build a consensus among informed and knowledgeable citizens of earth before taking any action.

Purpose of this website:

The purpose of this web site is to provide a space where the citizens of the earth can publicly pool their talents, knowledge, genius and energy to explore the idea of taking control of earth, a satellite of the Sun.

Is it possible to install thrusters on the earth, which would enable us to control the tilt, spin rate, orientation and orbit of the earth?

If it were possible, politically and practically, we could achieve some or all of the following benefits. The thruster project would:


• Minimize or eliminate the damage the earth would suffer if an asteroid or other space object would threaten to hit the earth or fly by in close proximity.

• Cancel out the effects of global warming by adjusting the earth's spin rate, tilt, orientation or orbit to cool the climate.

• Minimize the risks of another ice age by adjusting the earth's orbit, tilt, orientation or spin rate to keep the glaciers from covering major population centers.

• Reduce the risks of extensive melting of the polar ice caps which some fear threaten to inundate the worlds island nations, ports and seaside cities.

MAKE LIFE BETTER, SAFER, AND RICHER FOR HUMANS• Control weather extremes in winter and summer by gradually reducing the tilt of the earth.

Optimize the use of the earth's land surface. By changing the orientation or tilt or ecliptic of the earth it might be possible to greatly increase the amount of livable and arable land. For example, it might be possible to bring temperate climates to Northern Europe, Northern Asia, Northern Canada, Iceland, Greenland and Alaska. This might have to be done at the expense of bringing rather frigid conditions to Tasmania, New Zealand, Southern Australia and Southern South America, or maybe not.

• As the earth's population grows; many populations will need more livable and arable land. It might become practical to move the polar ice caps and/or facilitate their growth, so more of the earth's water is deposited in polar caps, thus lowering the levels of earth's oceans to expose more land for habitation and food production.

Questions that will be explored:Can it be done? Is it possible to treat the earth like we treat man-made satellites, and use thrusters to control such variables as, the tilt, the ecliptic, the orbit, the wobble, the magnetic field, the movement of the tectonic plates, and the orientation of the crust and mantle. We'll also collect, examine, and store past efforts that have previously concluded that it can't be done. Should it be done? What are the trade offs? Who benefits? Who loses? What are the risks?How could it be done? Where would the thrusters be placed? How many would be needed? How would they be controlled? What would fuel them? What impact would they have on the places where they are installed?Who would control the project? How much would it cost? Can existing organizations, (e.g. The United Nations) handle such a global initiative? Is a new organization required? Would it be possible to use the internet to give the citizens of the earth a voice in the decisions?How can we avoid thruster wars? Without planning and consensus building, it seems likely that different countries, or different blocs might take separate initiatives, each designed to gain an advantage or protect existing advantages over other nations or blocs.What time line makes the most sense? We have to go slowly enough to make sure that we have all the risks contained, and build a global consensus on what steps to take. We have to move quickly enough to be able to protect the earth from any dangers that may become imminent, such as global warming, a new ice age, or a possible discovery of a threatening collision. And, we may need to move more quickly than we like if we need to avoid competing initiatives. Here is one possible timeline.

Can this project be staffed with all volunteers? Can we use the internet, collaboration software, and self directed work teams, to harness the efforts of retirees, students, housewives or househusbands, people on sabbaticals, people on corporate or governmental sponsorships, and people affluent enough to dedicate themselves to non-paying assignments? During the early years, before any thruster building, it may be possible that this can be an all volunteer effort.

Can we look to interested governments and multi-national corporations to contribute to the implementation of the project?

We'll need governments to agree to install nozzles on land they may donate to the project. We'll need software companies to donate the collaboration software, the teaming tools, the translation software, and on-the-fly computer interpretation to allow people of different languages to chat, debate, and work together. We'll need computer manufacturers to make incredibly affordable web devices that will allow people of every village, state, and country to become informed, and to earn the right to vote on project proposals. We'll need security tools to assure that the electronic ballot box protects the privacy of each voter and cannot be stuffed. We'll need training companies to teach our contributors how to work in self-directed work teams. We’ll need someone to figure out how each person on earth, who wants one, can have a unique voting identifier. ?

How can you get involved? The project needs many experts to study the possibilities and ramifications. We need rocket scientists, climatologists, training experts, testing specialists, webmasters, interpreters, translators, writers, project managers, ambassadors, programmers and more.

We need everyone else who is curious to become interested, stay informed, and take part in the decisions that will have to be made.

We need a board of global leaders to guide the project wisely, and carry out the implementation as directed by the informed voters.

We need financial people who can decide the best way to fund the project, arrange for the financing, manage the disbursements and keep the project under financial control, and do so publicly, with full disclosure on the web site.

Can we use modern project management tools to avoid bureaucracy, autocracy, incompetence, error, and conflict? We will explore using techniques such as triple teaming, double checking, peer reviews, outcome measurements, highly-focused missions, multiple strategies, and a unified vision.

For starters: The proposed plan.

Originally the website had links to opinion surveys. You may decide to read the following for your own self, but they do not any longer collect data.

What do you think? What are your feelings? What opinions do you have?